Putin admits China has ‘questions’ and ‘concerns’ about Ukraine war, politico.eu

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a highly unexpected public admission on Thursday that China’s leader Xi Jinping had “questions” and “concerns” over the war in Ukraine.

This acknowledgment of tensions with Beijing over the war is a dramatic reversal from February when, just before the invasion, Putin traveled to the Winter Olympics in China to proclaim a “no-limits partnership” with Xi.

That dynamic felt rather different at Thursday’s meeting in Samarkand, where a sullen Putin said that he highly appreciated “the balanced position of our Chinese friends in connection with the Ukrainian crisis.” Läs artikel

India’s Modi tells Putin: This is ‘not the era for war, politico.eu

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin hit yet another diplomatic setback at the hands of a supposed friend Friday, when India’s leader openly criticized his war on Ukraine as harking from another age.

“I know that today’s era is not the era for war,” Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Putin at a meeting in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. “We’ve spoken to you many times on the phone before on this, that democracy, diplomacy and dialogue — these things help the world. In the coming days, we will get the chance to talk about how to move on to the road to peace, I will also get the chance to better understand your viewpoint.”

Modi’s disapproval came just a day after Putin publicly admitted that China’s President Xi Jinping harbored “questions” and “concerns” over the war. Läs artikel

Turkey Seeks to Be First NATO Member to Join China-Led SCO, bloomberg.com

Turkey is seeking membership to the China-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attempts to forge alliances with friendly countries in the East.

Erdogan made the announcement after attending the SCO summit in Uzbekistan on Friday where he held talks with leaders including China’s President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. A successful bid would make Turkey the first member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to join the bloc. Läs artikel

Militära stödet till Ukraina på väg att nå historiska proportioner, svt.se

Många länder i västvärlden bidrar med vapen och ammunition till Ukraina. Vissa är öppna med vad de skickar medan andra är mer hemlighetsfulla. Det står ändå klart att stödet på bara några månader är på väg att bli historiskt stort. […]

Tydligt är i alla fall att USA är ledande i det militära stödet. Den 8 september uppgick det till 15,2 miljarder dollar. Det motsvarar 160 miljarder svenska kronor, vilket är dubbla Sveriges försvarsbudget för 2022. Inklusive civilsamhällets beredskap. Läs artikel

IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine, iaea.org

Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) is once again receiving electricity directly from the national grid after engineers repaired one of the four main external power lines that have all been damaged during the conflict, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) learnt at the site today. […]

While the ZNPP’s power status has improved over the past week – in sharp contrast to earlier this month when all power lines at one stage were down and it depended on its last operating reactor for vital electricity supplies – the general situation for the plant located in the middle of a war zone remains precarious, Director General Grossi said. While there has been no recent shelling at or near the ZNPP, it continues to occur in the wider area, he said.

To help stabilise the situation, the Director General has initiated consultations with the relevant parties aimed at the urgent establishment of a nuclear safety and security protection zone at the ZNPP. Earlier this month, he established a continuous IAEA presence at the ZNPP after leading a team of experts to the site. Läs artikel

Två ryska resor – Joseph Roths och Gustaf Hellströms

Anders Björnsson

Joseph Roth och Gustaf Hellström var generationskamrater, och det kan därför vara på sin plats att inleda det här anförandet med några biografiska och geografiska data och jämförelser. I en viss mening skulle man kunna kalla dem för gränsvarelser.

De föddes nära riksgränser – i Gustaf Hellströms fall en gräns som sedan länge hade varit utplånad, den mellan Sverige och Danmark, i Joseph Roths fall en som skulle förskjutas under och även efter hans levnad. Kristianstad är fästningsstaden, Brody – där Joseph Roth föddes 1894, tolv år efter Hellström – anlades som en med privilegier utrustad handelsstad, när denna del av Polen – Östgalizien – i samband med den polska statens styckningar i slutet av 1700-talet tillfördes den österrikisk-ungerska monarkin: någon mil längre bort låg Ryssland, som tog sin beskärda del av bytet; Preußen, det vi idag skulle kalla Tyskland, fick också ett stycke polsk mark.

Allt detta förändrades med första världskriget, som Gustaf Hellström tillbringade mesta tiden av som utrikeskorrespondent i Paris och Joseph Roth som frivillig i den österrikiska armén. Det är litet oklart vad den senare sysselsatte sig med där, men när han demobiliserades efter det tysk-österrikiska krigsnederlaget 1918, kom han ganska snart att ägna sig åt journalistik. Hellström och Roth blev alltså båda reportrar, fast vid litet olika tidpunkter, och två av de främsta inom sina respektive språkområden. Roth skrev för tyskspråkig press, under en kortare tid i Wien, därefter med bas i Berlin, fram till Hitlers maktövertagande, när han som jude måste ta till emigrationen.

Båda – Hellström och Roth – ägnade sig vid sidan av journalistiken åt mer eller mindre skönlitterärt författarskap. Hellström skrev noveller och romaner; den unge Roth hängav sig med förtjusning, som det verkar, åt dagsvers och feuilletoner, ett slags bildat småprat i kortformat. År 1923 romandebuterade han med Spinnennetz, Spindelnätet – en studie i den fascistiska personligheten och, enligt vad kännarna anser, det första fiktionslitterära verk, där Adolf Hitler förekommer med namns nämnande.

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Samarkand Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, mea.gov.in

1. The leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States (hereinafter referred to as ”the SCO” or ”the Organization”), as a result of the meeting of the Council of Heads of State in the city of Samarkand on 16 September 2022, declare the following.

2. Today, the world is undergoing global changes, entering a new era of rapid development and large-scale transformation. These fundamental processes are accompanied by stronger multipolarity, increased interconnectedness, accelerated pace of informatization and digitalization. Against this background, the current system of international challenges and threats is becoming more complex, the situation in the world is dangerously degrading, existing local conflicts and crises are intensifying and new ones are emerging.

3. The growing technological and digital divide, continued turbulence in global financial markets, global reduction in investment flows, instability in supply chains, increased protectionist measures and other barriers to international trade add to the volatility and uncertainty in the global economy. Läs deklarationen

Nato øvde på forsvar av nordnorsk luftrom, highnorthnews.com

Denne uka pågår den norskledede luftforsvarsøvelsen Arctic Cooperation ut fra Ørland kampflybase.

Med denne øvelsen som grunnlag, ble det torsdag gjennomført en større luftoperasjon under Nato-kommando med amerikansk, tyrkisk og norsk deltakelse.

– Aktiviteten foregikk over og utenfor kysten av Trøndelag og Nordland, skriver oberstløytnant Eivind Byre, kommunikasjonssjef i Luftforsvaret, til High North News.

Konkret involverte operasjonen amerikanske F-22 Raptor jagerfly og B-52 strategiske bombefly, et tyrkisk E-7 Wedgetail overvåkningsfly – samt flere norske F-35 jagerfly. […]

– Amerikansk tilstedeværelse i nordområdene er viktig for et troverdig forsvar av Norge og NATO. Nordområdene er et prioritert område for alliansen, sier NAOC-sjef Strand. […]

Under Arctic Cooperation-paraplyen har òg de amerikanske og norske jagerflyene øvd sammen med finske F-18 jagerfly denne uka. Forsvaret beskriver aktiviteten som sentral for å styrke militært samspill og sikkerhet på Natos nordlige flanke.

– Denne type sam- og integreringstrening er noe av det viktigste vi gjør. Den setter oss i stand til å kunne operere sammen på tvers av våpenplattformene og systemene. Summen er at vi kan forsvare ikke bare Norge og Norden, men også Europa om det skulle bli behov for det, utdyper oberst Martin Tesli, sjef for 132 luftving på Ørland.

I juni øvde også norske, svenske og finske jagerfly sammen langs norskekysten utenfor fra Møre til Nordland. Läs artikel


Sweden taking Turkey ’seriously’ on Nato demands, euobserver.com

Sweden and Finland are counting on further talks with Turkey to unlock their Nato accession, as Western diplomats wonder what Ankara really wants.

”The Swedish government takes the implementation of the memorandum very seriously,” the Swedish foreign ministry told EUobserver on Thursday (15 September), referring to a deal made in June with Turkey to go after alleged Kurdish terrorists in return for Nato entry.

”Further meetings in the trilateral format between Sweden, Finland, and Türkiye are foreseen,” the Swedish ministry said, following the last such talks on 26 August.

Finland is also ”working together with Türkiye to organise further meetings at expert level,” its foreign ministry said.

They spoke after Turkish foreign minister Mevlüt Çavuşoglu warned one day earlier the Turkish parliament wouldn’t ratify the Nordic Nato bids if they didn’t play ball. ”No concrete steps have been taken up to today,” by Stockholm or Helsinki to satisfy Ankara, he declared. Läs artikel

Germany: Armed forces must be ’best-equipped in Europe,’ Scholz says, dw.com

He said that in view of the situation, Germany’s military force must become Europe’s best-equipped.

”We are making it convincingly clear: Germany is ready to take on leading responsibility for the security of our continent,” he said.

”As the most populous country with the greatest economic power and as a country in the middle of the continent, our army must become the cornerstone of conventional defence in Europe: the best-equipped force in Europe,” he added.

Scholz said that Germany had long ”avoided really prioritizing the Bundeswehr’s tasks.” But, he said, although a good army could drill wells, give humanitarian assistance and help with vaccination during pandemics, that was not the ”core task.” […]

The German government was also ready to review reservations with regard to military export rules that affect joint defence projects, the chancellor said.

His remarks come as lawmakers from coalition partners the Green Party and the Free Democrats (FDP) are putting pressure on the Social Democrat (SPD) chancellor to deliver the battle tanks Kyiv has called for to help fight invading Russian forces. Läs artikel


Anders Björnsson

”Försvaret av Sverige sker i Ukraina”, skriver Aftonbladets kolumnist Peter Kadhammar (”Visa riktig solidaritet och skicka kanoner till Ukraina”.14/9). Han vill, att vi ska skeppa våra moderna artilleripjäser Archer till detta land, och detta trots att han i samma artikel medger, att Sverige ”i dagsläget” har endast 24 artilleripjäser, medan Finland har 700 stycken, visserligen av annat slag.

Det där låter bekant. Under Vietnamkriget fanns det de, som reste parollen: ”En luftvärnskanon till Vietnam!” Det var personer inom KFMLr, en renodlat stalinistisk organisation. Den svenska FNL-rörelsen hade inga sådana tankar. Den stod för politiskt och ekonomiskt stöd till den sydvietnamesiska befrielserörelsen men hade inte vapenleveranser på sitt program.

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Putin-Xi Meeting at summit marks the rise of Eurasia, responsiblestatecraft.org

Sarang Shidore, Director of Studies at the Quincy Institute

Even as the Ukraine war enters a new phase with significant Russian losses in the Donbass, the center of diplomatic gravity this week will be in the historic city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan, where the annual meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is taking place. […]

While we hear about NATO almost daily in the mainstream media, the SCO is a much less-known entity. With 40 percent  of the world’s population and 30 percent of its GDP, it shouldn’t be. Läs artikel