U.S. B-2 Spirit Bombers deploy to Keflavik Air Base for Bomber Task Force 23-4, usafe.af.mil

Over 150 Airmen and 3 B-2 Spirit aircraft from Whiteman Air Force Base arrived Keflavik Air Base, Iceland August 13, 2023. Their purpose is to engage in Bomber Task Force missions, a vital component of U.S. European Command’s (USEUCOM) collaborative training efforts with Allies, partners, and U.S. joint forces.

Across the globe, U.S. Strategic Command routinely orchestrates BTF operations to not only showcase the United States’ commitment to collective defense but also to seamlessly integrate with operations conducted by America’s Geographic Combatant Commands. This BTF initiative was designed to bolster USEUCOM’s overarching security mandates across the European continent, while also affording aircrews the opportunity to acclimate themselves to the intricacies of joint and coalition operations in foreign locations. Läs artikel

Defiant Norwegian fishermen unwilling to leave impact areas for Russian missiles, thebarentsobserver.com

It is for Russia to make sure the military exercises are “carried out in a way that safeguards Norwegian rights under the Law of the Sea and international law in general,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ane Haavardsdatter Lunde told the Barents Observer as the Northern Fleet on Friday kicked off a large exercise, including within Norway’s Exclusive Economic Zone south of Svalbard.

Lunde said that also included the rights of the fishermen in the area.

NRK, Norway’s public broadcaster, can now tell that several of the fishing vessels that are within the warning zones have no plans to leave. […]

Russia’s NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) and Warnings to ship-farers cover two large areas in the important Barents Sea fishing grounds north and south of Bear Island. By Sunday morning there are still many fishing vessels inside the warning zones, according to MarineTraffic.com. […]

Russia’s NOTAM warnings in the Barents Sea expire on August 15 in the evening. Läs artikel

Ingrid Gjerde på Jan Mayen: –Definitivt et strategisk viktig område for Norge, forsvaretsforum.no

[…] – Hva er du opptatt av med Jan Mayen fremover?

– Jeg er opptatt av Jan Mayen som en strategisk viktig del av Norge. Og hva det innebærer med hensyn til tilstedeværelse, suverenitetshevdelse og andre sider av virksomheten her. Ellers ser jeg på forholdene for de som jobber her. For at de kan gjøre en best mulig jobb, sier Gjerde.

Den 54 kilomater lange vulkanøya ligger mye nærmere Island og Grønland enn Norge. […]

Tidligere forsvarssjef Haakon Bruun Hansen sa i 2020 at «Jan Mayen ligger midt i Norskehavet som et fastmontert hangarskip», ifølge NTB.

– Har Jan Mayen en militærstrategisk betydning for Norge?

– Det ligger jo der det ligger. Jan Mayen er norsk territorium i Nord-Atlanteren og i randsonen til Arktis, et område som får en stadig økende sikkerhetspolitisk betydning. L äsartikel

Om det humanitära med bevarat självbestämmande och neutralitet som grundval!

Rolf Andersson

Hugo Slim tillhör det västerländska humanitära etablissamanget. Han har verkat mycket länge i dessa kretsar som akademiker och praktiker. Han hör hemma där men saknar inte förmåga till kritisk blick och viss distans i en föränderlig värld. I sin senaste bok tar han upp spörsmål som når utöver den traditionella jargongen och tangerar centrala frågor som sällan berörs i Sverige.

Citaten nedan visar att Slim ibland är inne på väsentliga saker som handlar om självbestämmande, nationell förankring och icke-inblandning:

“National self-determination is an important part of building lasting and culturally adapted humanitarian capacity, and it is not respected as much as it should be today by overbearing and imperial international humanitarians. Western international dominance in humanitarian aid needs to change as we head for a new era of warfare and humanitarian response in an equally new world of Great Powers and intensifying climate crisis.

Dunant’s [Henry Dunant som under andra hälften av 1800-talet lade grunden för det internationella Röda Korset] instinct to invest equally in national humanitarian networks is fairer and wiser. When many countries are simultaneously battling climate crisis, unplanned urbanization, conflict, displacement and disease, it is best to invest in single national humanitarian systems that can cope with such concurrent and compound crises in people’s lives. A parallel system of international intervenors setting their own rules and operating their own national humanitarian platforms is destructive and diluting of national capacity.

Läs mer

Seeking the Essential Kennan, tandfonline.com

John L. Harper

The latest full-length study of the life of US diplomat and historian George F. Kennan (1904–2005) attempts to rectify what its author, Professor Frank Costigliola, believes to be the shortcomings of John Lewis Gaddis’s authorised biography, published in 2011. As a treatment of Kennan’s early life and career, of his post-State Department role as a commentator and ‘sage’, and in particular of its subject’s personal life and character, the book is unlikely to be matched. For all its virtues, however, it has a striking and rather surprising deficiency: readers must look elsewhere for a full account of its protagonist’s role as a policymaker in the years 1946–50. One need not agree with Costigliola’s assessment of Kennan’s historical stature to believe there is profit to be had in imagining what his message would be today on a range of subjects: the environment, the future of Ukraine and US–Russia relations, European strategic autonomy and the fragility of American democracy. Läs presentationen

Finlands försvar kan vändas upp och ner – så kan vårt nya avtal med USA se ut, svenska.yle.fi

För att avtalet om försvarssamarbete med USA ska godkännas i riksdagen kan det krävas två tredjedelar av rösterna, vilket till exempel Natomedlemskapet inte krävde. Avtalet skulle alltså ha en stor betydelse för Finland.

Finland förhandlar om ett nytt försvarssamarbete med USA. Avtalet är exceptionellt. Finland skulle godkänna att trupper från ett utomstående land vistas i landet under längre tidsperioder än vad de skulle göra för vanliga krigsövningar.

Avtalets syfte är att amerikanska soldater skulle få tillgång till utrymmen och områden i Finland för till exempel övningar, vapenförvaring och utrustningsrestaurering. Amerikanska trupper kommer antagligen att få tillgång till åtminstone en flygplats, en hamn och några övningsområden. USA kan alltså tilldelas Försvarsmaktens nuvarande garnisoners utrymmen, eller utrymmen i direkt närhet till dem. De amerikanska trupperna skulle få röra sig fritt i Finland – på land, till havs och i luften. Soldaterna från bägge länder skulle kunna ha övningar på olika håll i Finland.

Forskare Iro Särkkä menar att Finland måste värna om sin nationella självbestämmanderätt. En situation där USA kan använda Finland för att uppnå sina egna mål får inte uppstå.

– Finland och USA måste vara ense om avtalets ändamål och innehåll, så att inte Finland blir ett redskap för USA.

Särkkä tror ändå inte att Finland skulle förlora all nationell självbestämmanderätt i samband med det nya avtalet.[…]

Avtalet går under benämningen Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA). Läs artikel

Läs  kommentar tidigare på den här sajten till de pågående förhandlingarna om DCA-avtal.

Finland and Sweden are ready. Is NATO? kkrva.se

Eric Adamson, Atlantic Council Northern Europe Office in Stockholm. Minna Ålander, Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)

[…] However, just as the final barriers to interoperability between Nordic nations were removed with Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership, some are going back up with Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark being split between different Joint Force Commands (JFC) and defense plans. Despite likely being of temporary nature, the results are highly impractical for the Nordic-Baltic region – and ultimately NATO.

Viewed as constituting one common joint operational area, dividing the Nordic countries into separate regional defense plans and commands makes little operational sense. Moreover, by creating a seam running between the Arctic and Baltic, many of the strategic gains offered by Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership risk being reduced. […]

The new defense plans will be continually adapted to changes in operational needs, but if the current separation of the Arctic and Baltic remains in place, a seam runs right down the middle of this northeastern flank. If Sweden joins JFC Norfolk as rumored, it creates a thoroughly counterintuitive situation: Sweden would then presumably be part of the Arctic defense plan, despite maritime capabilities tailor-made for the Baltic Sea. Finland, under JFC Brunssum, would belong to the Baltic and Central European defense plan, although its proximity to the Russian Arctic makes it irreplaceable in any defense plan for the European Arctic. Even if Finland and Sweden are kept together under Brunssum, they are still separated from Norway and the corresponding High-North/Arctic plans and operational command. […]

The Arctic, in its turn, was not an area NATO had much presence in after the Cold War. Keeping the Arctic an area of low tension with limited military activity was in Norway and Canada’s interest. If the Arctic has deliberately been kept out-of-sight out-of-mind, Russia’s decade-long military buildup in the region and proximity to NATO’s new borders makes the Arctic a potential hotspot that Allies can no longer ignore. Läs artikel

With its extension, NATO is becoming “unmanageable”, uwidata.com

Yunus Soner, Political Scientist, former Deputy Chairman of Vatan Party (Turkey)

We spoke to Retired Brigadier General Fahri Erenel on these issues. Erenel is also teaching at the Istinye University as Director of the Center for Applied Research on Security and Defense Strategies (GÜVSAM)..

NATO summit was discussed a lot. They decided on a defense concept, 4400 pages long, that we are curious about. Detailed 4400 pages. How did you interpret such a concept decision?

First of all when you include countries like Sweden to NATO, it becomes very difficult to manage a structure of 32 countries. Although you say might speak of NATO culture, it is very difficult to manage so many religions and nations at once.

This concept is what we call a military operation plan, a letter of principles. The most important factor here is the principle of simplicity. The more details you go into in today’s military operation, the more opportunities you create for the opposing side’s counter-attack.

As for the NATO plan you spoke about, the field implementation of such a multi-page plan may obviously be partially regional for armed forces. At the same time, NATO has changed many concepts as you know.

Each time NATO expanded, it prepared a new operational plan. It is never possible for a military unit to adapt to so many operational plan changes in a short time in a multinational structure. There is no successful example of this in history. So as NATO expands, it becomes unmanageable. In fact, Macron emphasized this by saying that NATO was ‘brain dead’. I take it one step further and say that NATO is actually going towards this euthanasia by including Finland and Sweden. […]

Members are obliged to spend two percent of their gross national product on defense, but 8 of ten are still below that threshold. Each of them relies on the USA or other major states. Here we end up with only one thing: Making the American defense industry work. As a matter of fact, a decision was taken to produce joint defense industry projects within this concept or plan. So who will produce? The United States of America.

You know, Truman used the same method in the Marshall Plan. He soled weapons and spare parts for money. Therefore, while all world economies struggled during the second world war, the American economy reached full employment. He has sold over ten thousand tanks, artillery and aircraft.

America’s economic power today owes it to what it sold to warring countries in World War II. Today we have the same picture. I think it is starting the Second Marshall Plan. It wants to set the standard in the defense industry products of this NATO structure. […]

For Biden, the Ukraine war is both an election investment and hope for the revival of the American economy, with the defense industry being the focus.

This plans also brings the Arctic region came into play. Sweden and Finland need to have a structure that can operate in cold climate and weather conditions. In fact, with this new NATO plan, America aimed to provide a force stance by taking Sweden and Finland behind it against Russia, which it was no longer inadequate, because America’s weakest position in the world against Russia was the Arctic region. They wanted to do an exercise in the Arctic 2 years ago and gave up, because there they had no rescue ship capable to break the ice.

America recently opened the base in Alaska, which it had closed years ago, and began to train a division there. But this will take very serious time. That’s why they moved so quickly with Sweden and Finland. Läs intervjun

Northern Fleet kicks off major Barents Sea command and staff exercise, thebarentsobserver.com

20 warships, submarines, support ships, and airforce. More than 8,000 servicemen participate as Russia early Friday morning sent out its largest fleet to the Barents Sea for war games.

The exercise comes unsurprisingly. Earlier this week, the Barents Observer reported about Russia issuing NOTAM-warnings for two larger areas north and south of Norway’s Bear Island in the western Barents Sea. “Impact areas for missiles,” the warning to civilian air traffic said.

Norway, worried about consequences for its search- and rescue capabilities in the waters around Svalbard, can do nothing to hinder Russia from using the Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as an impact area for cruise missiles. This is international waters. […]

Fighter jets took to the skies Friday morning north of the Kola Peninsula to protect the 20 warships now sailing out. A few nuclear-powered submarines are also involved, as well as coastal missile systems and special military formations.

Within a few days, several of the warships will be deployed for the Northern Fleet’s annual Arctic Expeditionary Vessel Group, aimed to protect the Northern Sea Route. Such forces normally sail to the Kara- and Lapte Seas, for landing training at the Taimyr Peninsula and New Siberian Islands. However, in 2021, the large anti-submarine warship “Severomorsk” together with support vessels suddenly turned west in the northern Barents Sea and sailed to the west coast of Svalbard.

Thereafter, the navy group continued east to its predicted route north of Siberia. Läs artikel

Mer alliert trening og tilstedeværelse i Norge, dn.no

Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp), forsvarsminister

[…] Nato har oppdatert planene for forsvaret av alle Nato-land, inkludert planene for Norge og Norden. Nå må planene følges opp med personell og utstyr. Vår evne til å ta imot og trene sammen med våre allierte må styrkes. Vi må også tilrettelegge bedre for alliert forhåndslagring. Allierte soldater må bli vant med norsk terreng og utstyret må fungere under krevende omgivelser her i nord.[…]

Vi må gjøre det enda mer attraktivt for allierte å trene og øve i Norge. Det trengs tilrettelegging av infrastruktur for blant annet øvingsområder, oppstillingsplasser og innkvartering. […]

I tillegg må kostnadene for allierte som vil være mer til stede i Norge være akseptable. Regjeringen prioriterer dette høyt og har derfor økt innsatsen for tilrettelegging for allierte med rundt 800 millioner kroner etter regjeringsskiftet. Vi øker kapasiteten til Blåtind øvingsfelt i Indre Troms, både for nasjonale og allierte styrker, og på Bardufoss øker vi mottakskapasiteten. På Bardufoss brukes midlene til opprustning av hangarer for fly og helikoptre og vedlikehold av taksebaner og oppstillingsplasser for fly. […]

Gjennom tilleggsavtale om forsvarssamarbeid mellom Norge og USA, legges det til rette for at amerikanerne kan investere i infrastruktur på omforente områder i Norge. Etter henvendelse fra USA har regjeringen godkjent amerikanske investeringer på om lag to milliarder kroner i infrastruktur på Rygge. Prosjektene er knyttet til mottak av amerikanske kampfly. De amerikanske investeringene i infrastruktur på Rygge vil ha positiv betydning for norsk, nordisk og alliert sikkerhet. Läs artikel

Finnish-US Negotiations for a Defense Cooperation Agreement ,fiia.fi

Joel Linnainmäki, Research Fellow, FIIA

A Defense Cooperation Agreement will enable rapid and effective collective action between Finland and NATO allies, but the negotiations will also bring up new and complicated questions over US rights, obligations, and territorial access.[…]

These agreements provide the general conditions and rules under which the US forces can enter and operate in a host country during joint exercises and training, for example. Most recently, Norway concluded an updated agreement in 2022. Finland, Sweden, and Denmark are currently also engaged in negotiations to update their respective agreements with the US. […]

Further, cooperation with the US air and land forces, or with elements such as special forces or intelligence, would benefit from an agreed framework. However, negotiations are likely to be long and complex because they involve questions related to sovereignty and jurisdiction to an extent that Finland has not been used to. Based on Norwegian experiences, these likely include the rights andobligations of US force members in Finland and US security planning in certain locations.

At the core of the DCA are socalled Agreed Areas, locations meant for unrestricted joint access by both the host nation and US forces. These areas can be used, for example, for training logistics an storing military materiel. Within Agreed Areas, some locations can be designated for exclusive access and use only by US forces. These could involve locations with critical US communications or intelligence
equipment. This type of sustained US presence and infrastructure on Finnish soil will be a new phenomenon for Finland. Läs artikel

Läs också kommentar tidigare på den här  sajten till USA:s förhandlingar om försvarssamarbete (DCA).

NATO training leaves Ukrainian troops ‘underprepared’ for war, opendemocracy.net

Isobel Koshiw, journalist based in London covering corruption

Yet NATO can only currently offer Ukrainian soldiers basic training, shifting the burden of vital combat training back to Ukraine. Time constraints mean that stage two training doesn’t always happen, or happen in full, in Ukraine or the West.

“I don’t want to say anything against our partners, but they don’t quite understand our situation and how we are fighting,” said a senior intelligence sergeant in the newly formed 41st Mechanised Brigade who goes by the name ‘Dutchman’. “That’s why the main training and the integrated training happens here.”[…]

All receive a 35-day ‘boot camp’ of basic soldier training. A source involved in the UK training process described it as a “crash course” and the most that could be provided in the time available. They pointed out that a big plus was the thousands of pounds’ worth of equipment, including body armour and medical supplies, the Ukrainian troops take home with them.

A key concern about the Western training is that the instructors have never fought a war of this kind, or against an enemy like Russia. For years, Western armies and their defence industries have focused on fighting insurgencies in the Middle East. […]

“We need people to understand how to effectively clear trenches, enter them, how to throw grenades effectively, how not to trip on booby traps, to understand what grenades the [Russians] throw – essentially to understand the enemy,” explained Dutchman. Läs artikel