NATO Charts a New Course,

Sevim Dagdelen, member of the German Bundestag since 2005

[…] The real absurdity of the present NATO summit in Washington, however, is that a strategy aimed at Russia, which according to Kennan would guarantee direct military confrontation and increase the risk of world war dramatically, is now being globalized and turned against China. NATO is to become a global power formally, and, at least from Beijing’s perspective, aims to advance on China. For the time being, NATO will operate on the basis of bilateral treaties in the Pacific, but the goal appears to be an expansion of the military pact throughout the region, so that it will exist as a “North Atlantic” alliance in name alone. […]

A sane foreign policy is imperative now, perhaps more than ever; even a return to a Kennedy or a Kennan would be an improvement. One thing is quite clear: through their strategy of escalation and expansion, the US and NATO are forcing an increasing number of states together as an opposition, in a development stemming from a reversal of American policy dating from the 1970s, which had recognized Beijing’s own security interests. Arresting the escalating global confrontation requires at the very least an immediate end to the war in Ukraine, a freeze on NATO expansion, and finally negotiations among the major powers to guarantee the security of all parties.Läs artikel

Ukraine Did Not Put JAS 39 Gripen Supply on Hold, Kyiv Assures,

The Ukrainian government continues negotiations with Sweden about the prospects of the Ukrainian Air Force eventually receiving the Gripen, a multirole fighter awaited since 2023.[…]

Ukraine remains interested in acquiring Swedish JAS 39 Gripen 4+ generation multirole fighters, as reiterated by Ihor Zhovkva, the Deputy Head of the Ukrainian President’s Office. This statement comes despite recent claims from the Swedish side that the transfer of these fighters had been paused at Ukraine’s request. […]

That said, regardless of which side decided to pause the transfer of Gripen, the important part is that Kyiv and Stockholm remain in discussions on this matter, with both sides expressing readiness to advance this plan. Given Ukraine’s stated need for 128 fighter jets to reach minimum parity with russia, it is clear that F-16s alone will not suffice. Läs artikel

Nato barbarians are expanding and gathering at the gate of Asia,

Alex Lo , Post columnist

[…] Alarmingly, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has described Nato as playing a “bridge” between the Euro-Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific theatres.

That’s the new mandate Washington has handed to Nato. But why? The US already has more naval power in the Pacific than anywhere else. Well, Nato and a handful of Asian allies will help save appearance and legitimise plain old American neo-imperialism.

That’s why Western pundits and politicians are claiming Vladimir Putin has set his sights on Nato countries like Poland and beyond, while China wants to take over the Indo-Pacific.

When there is no demand for your service, you have to create it; hence Nato’s constant threat inflation and threat creation. But has it crossed Blinken’s mind that most of Asia, including the Indian subcontinent, don’t want Nato militarism to infect their parts of the world like the plague? Läs artikel

“Sweden is a Potential Target”: An Interview With NATO’s Newest Member,

[…] And in terms of Russian sabotage attacks?

There are reports that Sweden has also been mentioned in these plannings. We have confirmed that we have seen it. No activities have been conducted. But we are well aware that Sweden is a potential target for that kind of sabotage activity.

Could something like that rise to the level of invoking Article 5 of the NATO treaty, asking allies to come to your defense?

Could something like that rise to the level of invoking Article 5 of the NATO treaty, asking allies to come to your defense?

I don’t think anybody knows yet. There are interesting discussions going on. Article 5 was created for a situation where you really know it: Now it’s war, now it’s not war. I think this is an ongoing discussion in NATO right now: How to handle these grey zones between real peace and real conflict.

You have no clear understanding of where to draw that line?

I don’t think any country really has that any longer.[…]

Like China.

Yes, China. We need to realize the global security situation is much broader today. You simply can’t say the Pacific does not concern us [in Europe]. For reasons of principles, and for U.S. reasons, Europe needs to be more committed to the Pacific. That’s at least been my preaching. Läs intervjun

Orbáns fredsturné fortsätter – Trump stod värd i Mar-a-Lago,

Ungerns premiärminister Viktor Orbán fortsatte i dag sin så kallade fredsturné som har väckt stor kritik. Resan inleddes i Kiev, fortsatte sedan till Moskva och gick därifrån vidare till Beijing.

Orbán gjorde sedan en mellanlandning i Washington DC där han deltog i Natos toppmöte och reste direkt därifrån till Florida, där han i går träffade presidentkandidat Donald Trump.

Om det blir ett sjätte stopp på turnén återstår att se.

– Vart åker han i morgon? Jag vet inte. Kanske han kommer till Ukraina igen, sa Zelenskyj då han kommenterade Orbáns planer.

Orbán var fåordig då han kommenterade mötet, eller fredsuppdrag 5.0, som han själv kallar det.

– President Trump bevisade under sitt presidentskap att han är en fredens man. Han kommer att göra det igen! Läs artikel

Veckans citat

“If the Soviet Union were to sink tomorrow under the ocean’s waters, the American military-industrial establishment would have to continue substantially unchanged until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.”

George F. Kennan Foreword to The Pathology of Power by Norman Cousins, 1987.

Sverige ingår i drönarsamarbete för Ukraina,

Sverige går in i en koalition tillsammans med elva andra länder, som genom gemensamma upphandlingar ska stödja Ukrainas försvarsmakt med obemannade flygfarkoster – drönare. Utbildning i systemen kan också komma att ingå.

Försvarsminister Pål Jonson undertecknade den 10 juli överenskommelsen för Sveriges del, i samband med Natotoppmötet i Washington. […]

Förutom Sverige ingår Australien, Danmark, Estland, Kanada, Lettland, Litauen, Nederländerna, Polen, Storbritannien och Tyskland i koalitionen. Den leds gemensamt av Lettland och Storbritannien. Sverige har tidigare skänkt 10 miljoner euro till Ukraina för inköp av drönare. Läs pressmeddelande

Finland, Förenta staterna och Kanada intensifierar sitt isbrytarsamarbete,

Republikens president Alexander Stubb, Förenta staternas president Joe Biden och Kanadas premiärminister Justin Trudeau har antagit ett gemensamt uttalande om isbrytarsamarbete torsdagen den 11 juli 2024 i Washington D.C.

I uttalandet åtar sig Finland, Förenta staterna och Kanada att fördjupa sitt samarbete för att bygga avancerade isbrytare. Länderna inrättar en grupp som gör det möjligt att kanalisera efterfrågan på isbrytare till varven i de deltagande länderna till fördel för alla parter. […]

I uttalandet erkänner länderna den arktiska regionens betydelse för ekonomin, klimatet och den nationella säkerheten. Partnerskapet har som mål att upprätthålla internationella regler och standarder för att bevara fred och stabilitet i Arktis.

Tack vare initiativet får Finland en ny roll i försörjningskedjan för kritisk infrastruktur i Nordamerika. Isbrytarsamarbetet fördjupar ytterligare Finlands breda relationer med två centrala allierade och strategiska partner. Läs artikel

US to start deploying long-range weapons in Germany in 2026,

The United States will start deploying long-range fire capabilities in Germany in 2026 in an effort to demonstrate its commitment to NATO and European defense, the United States and Germany said in a joint statement on Wednesday.
The United States’ ”episodic deployments” are in preparation for longer-term stationing of such capabilities that will include SM-6, Tomahawk cruise missiles and developmental hypersonic weapons that have a longer range than current capabilities in Europe, the two countries said. Läs artikel

Nordic declaration on cross-border airspace cooperation signed,

[…] Norway, Finland, Sweden, and other countries signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) regarding multinational solutions to make a larger part of national airspace available for NATO at the Defence Ministers’ meeting in October 2023.

The main purpose of the declaration is to enhance the value of Nordic cooperation and integration as an integral part of NATO capabilities. The declaration highlights the important role that further integration can play in Nordic cooperation in general, and the establishes that the Nordic countries will now work together to further develop existing cooperation to meet the growing needs of the Alliance.

‘The declaration may lead to increased Allied activity in Norwegian airspace in the future, which means it will be necessary to review and update our host-nation support and framework for cross-border activities. It is essential that Norway retains control of Allied activities within its areas, and all future solutions will be decided at the national level,’ said Mr Gram. Läs pressmeddelande

Kina varnar Nato för konfrontation,

Nato bör inte ”provocera fram en konfrontation” med Kina till följd av landets relation med Ryssland, säger en talesperson för Pekings EU-sändebud i ett uttalande på torsdagen.

Uttalandet kommer efter att Nato presenterat sin deklaration vid det pågående toppmötet i Washington, där Kina nämns i kritiska ordalag. Försvarsalliansen skriver bland annat att partnerskapet med Moskva är skäl till ”djup oro”. Enligt uttalandet från Peking ska Nato ”sluta underblåsa det så kallade Kina-hotet och provocera fram konfrontation och rivalitet.” Nato borde, enligt Kina, i stället göra mer för att bidra till världsfred och stabilitet.

Kina påstår sig vara neutralt gällande Rysslands invasionskrig i Ukraina. De två ländernas strategiska samarbete har dock fördjupats sedan invasionen. Nyligen kom rapporter om att kinesiska och ryska företag tillverkat en typ av attackdrönare som kan användas mot Ukraina. Läs artikel