Månad: september 2024
US, NATO allies train with naval missiles for potential Baltic Sea showdown with Russia, abcnews.go.com
NATO troops, vessels and aircraft took to the frigid North Atlantic Ocean last month to sharpen their skills for a potential future war at sea, whether in the tumultuous Atlantic or in waters closer to their hypothetical Russian adversaries.
The drills — led by U.S. Naval Forces Europe and the U.S. Navy’s 6th Fleet — ”focused on the strategic waterways and airspace surrounding Iceland,” a NATO press release said, an area it described as ”a vital hub in the North Atlantic.” NATO forces practiced tracking enemy naval forces — including submarines — and responding to mass casualty events. […]
In the event of war, NATO aircraft and vessels could launch attacks on Russian territory from within the Baltic region that would ”give Russian air defenses very limited warning times,” Kashual noted.
”There’s a whole range of conundrums that the alliance’s preponderance in the Baltic Sea faces the Russians with,” Kaushal said. ”Reminding Russia of that fact is probably an important goal for the Americans, and for the wider alliance.”
Russia’s Foreign Ministry and the Kremlin have routinely criticized NATO military drills — particularly those close to its border. In July, for example, Moscow hit out at NATO drills in Finland as ”an integral part of NATO’s comprehensive provocative efforts to contain Russia.” Läs artikel
Sverige i ledning för Nato-bas nära Kolahalvön
Nordkalotten och Arktis har sedan kalla krigets slut varit en region där stormakterna sökt hålla spänningar och rustningar nere. ”High North – Low Tension” har varit en slogan.
En militär konfrontation i området skulle kunna leda till en global konflikt mellan USA och Ryssland där kärnvapen är inblandade då Ryssland har sina baser för kärnvapenbestyckade ubåtar på Kolahalvön och USA har ett strategiskt intresse att kunna behärska havsområdet mellan Storbritannien, Island och Grönland (GIUK-gapet) för att vid en kris kunna möta ryska ubåtar innan de når längre ut i Nordatlanten.
Riskerna för ett direkt krig mellan de två stormakterna har gjort att man haft en underförstådd men inte formaliserad överenskommelse att hålla spänningarna i regionen nere.
Nu är det slut med den epoken.
Sedan några år tillbaka har båda sidor genomfört omfattande militärövningar i norr där ryska Nordflottan kommit nära norskt territorium och där USA och Nato uppträtt med styrkor i Barentshav och i några fall har amerikanska bombflyg närgånget flugit mot Kolahalvön.
Med Nato-beslutet nyligen om att skapa en framskjuten bas i norra Finland och upprätta ett Nato-kommando där är risken stor att spänningarna ökar ytterligare.
Sverige har deltagit i flera av militärövningarna på Nordkalotten främst med JAS-plan och amerikanskt bombflyg har haft Kallax som bas vid några av övningarna.
Sverige kommer nu att få en mer framträdande roll i upprustningen av Natos försvar på Nordkalotten genom ledningen för den nya basen och Nato-kommandot i norra Finland.
Misfit in Moscow: How British diplomacy in Russia failed: 2014-2019 by Ian Proud, braveneweurope.com
A very welcome addition to their ranks is Ian Proud, economic counsellor in the British Embassy in Moscow from 2014-2019. A highly experienced diplomat, Proud served in Thailand and Afghanistan, organized the G8 summit in Belfast in 2013 and, in 2022, retired from the Foreign Office as Vice Principal of its International Academy — the body charged with the foreign-language training of British diplomats. Perhaps his finest hour was the part he played in the smooth running of the football World Cup in Russia in 2018, when tens of thousands of English soccer fans descended on Moscow and other match venues.
Unlike the vast majority of his colleagues in Moscow, Proud took the trouble to learn Russian and to travel the country far and wide, meeting officials, politicians, academics, students and ordinary people.
A self-professed “realist,” Proud believes the core purpose of diplomacy is to manage relations between states and to prevent conflict. In Moscow, according to his memoir published late last year, “A Misfit in Moscow: How British Diplomacy in Russia Failed, 2014-2019, he was appalled by the “utmost folly” of attempting to resolve “disputes with Russia through isolation and cancellation.” […]
Proud claims that Moscow had to real interest in implementing Minsk either, but it seems to this reviewer that the public record shows Russia was probably the only party to those agreements acting in good faith. Certainly, in run-up to the Russian invasion, Putin was incessant in his insistence that implementation of Minsk was the only way to resolve the Ukrainian crisis peacefully. Läs presentationen
Israel’s attacks on Lebanon updates: Hezbollah confirms commander killed, aljazeera.com
Lebanese foreign minister says ‘no one is safe’ following attacks
- “No one in this world is safe any more in the aftermath of the electronic attacks which were carried out recently in Lebanon. Those were unfathomable attacks. They have led to the injury of thousands of innocent civilians, including children, women, and the elderly.”
- “If this terrorist attack is not condemned by your council — and if you do not name the perpetrator, if you do not deter the perpetrator, condemn it, and compel it to stop such aggressions — the credibility of this council, of international law, and of human rights law, are at stake.”
- “Accepting what happened amounts to opening a Pandora’s box.” Läs artikel
Chief of Naval Operations Discusses Navigation Plan 2024, defense.gov
[…] Franchetti released the plan earlier this week. It identifies two overarching strategic ends: readiness for the possibility of war with China by 2027 and enhancement of the Navy’s long-term advantage.
The plan also includes seven, core fleet readiness targets under Project 33, a reference to Franchetti serving as the 33rd CNO. Those targets include:
- Ready the force by eliminating ship, submarine and aircraft maintenance delays
- Scale robotic and autonomous systems to integrate more platforms at speed
- Create the command centers our fleets need to win on a distributed battlefield
- Recruit and retain the force we need to get more players on the field
- Deliver a quality of service commensurate with the sacrifices of our sailors
- Train for combat as we plan to fight, in the real world and virtually
- Restore the critical infrastructure that sustains and projects the fight from shore Läs artikel
The impact of (the absence of) recognition on the use of force
[…] In view of the above, if China does decide to resort to force against Taiwan, it is certain that it will not consider its operations as regulated by jus contra bellum. Whether the US will indeed assist Taiwan militarily on the basis of Article 51 of the UN Charter remains to be seen. It has been suggested that in case China attacks Taiwan, the US could proceed to formal recognition of Taiwan as a State and then resort to military action that would be lawful under the collective exercise of Taiwan’s right to self-defence (Fisher, 2020: 145). As the previous analysis and the reactions to Russia’s recognition of Donetsk and Lugansk show, it is highly doubtful that recognition will be the decisive argument in making such a resort to force lawful under jus contra bellum. The legality of the resort to force on either side will revolve around the question of whether Taiwan is a State not on whether the States involved in the conflict have recognized Taiwan as a State.
General Assembly overwhelmingly passes resolution demanding end to Palestine occupation, un.org
With a recorded vote of 124 nations in favour, 14 against, and 43 abstentions, the resolution calls for Israel to comply with international law and withdraw its military forces, immediately cease all new settlement activity, evacuate all settlers from occupied land, and dismantle parts of the separation wall it constructed inside the occupied West Bank.
The General Assembly further demanded that Israel return land and other “immovable property”, as well as all assets seized since the occupation began in 1967, and all cultural property and assets taken from Palestinians and Palestinian institutions.
The resolution also demands Israel allow all Palestinians displaced during the occupation to return to their place of origin and make reparation for the damage caused by its occupation.
The resolution stems from the advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in July, in which the Court declared that Israel’s continued presence in the Territory “is unlawful”, and that “all States are under an obligation not to recognize” the decades-long occupation. Läs pressmeddelande
Källor till Yle: Här placeras Natos staber i Finland, svenska.yle.fi
Finland kommer att få staberna för Natos nordeuropeiska markstyrkor respektive FLF-styrkor, enligt Yles källor. Två Natostaber kommer att placeras i Finland, enligt uppgifter till Yle. Just nu håller man på att besluta exakt var de kommer att placeras. Staben för Natos nordeuropeiska styrkor har hunnit längst i planeringen och ska placeras i sammanslutning med Finlands arméstab i Sankt Michel. […]
Den andra staben skulle vara för FLF-styrkor (Forward land forces) som kommer till Finland från andra Natoländer. Sverige meddelade på måndagen att de tar ansvar för att koordinera trupperna. Enligt källor till Yle skulle styrkorna främst placeras i norr och deras stab skulle finnas i antingen Rovaniemi eller Sodankylä. […]
Finland bad Sverige att leda styrkorna, eftersom de bedömdes vara bäst lämpade av de alternativ som fanns till hands. Enligt Yles uppgifter kunde USA inte leda styrkorna, eftersom de redan agerar ramnation för andra trupper vid Natos östra gräns. Detaljer kring FLF-styrkorna och var de ska placeras diskuteras fortfarande. Finland ska ha diskuterat styrkorna med USA, Storbritannien och Norge. Finland hoppas på en modell som skiljer sig från andra Natoländer med FLF-styrkor.
Trupperna skulle regelbundet ha försvarsövningar i Finland. I en krissituation skulle de börja försvara Natos östgräns i Finland. Läs artikel
Okinawa Suffers for Imperial Japan’s Sins, theamericanconservative.com
[…] Today a fifth of Okinawa’s main island remains in US hands, to the frustration of most residents. Just 0.6 percent of Japan’s land mass hosts 70 percent of American military forces in the country. As a sop to locals Washington is supposed to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to the coastal territory in Henoko. The project, however, is now more than a decade behind schedule and won’t be completed until sometime in the 2030s.
Okinawans are overwhelmingly against the replacement plan, saying their prefecture already carries too heavy a burden in terms of hosting U.S. bases. They want the Futenma replacement facility either moved to another prefecture within Japan or scrapped altogether. Successive governors of Okinawa prefecture have sought to delay construction through legal wrangling, including revoking permits for necessary work and questioning the environmental impact. Japan’s central government, however, remains committed to the current plan, seeing it as crucial for the overall Japan-U.S. alliance. […]
Although the island was returned in 1972, the U.S. military continues to intrude in island life. Prime real estate and beautiful beaches still are controlled by the Pentagon. Neighborhoods abut bases. Long fences keep Okinawans out of territory once part of their community. The presence of thousands of foreign young men creates social friction, including high-profile crimes. Three cases of alleged sexual assault this past summer caused Okinawa’s Governor Denny Tamaki to complain about the U.S. military’s lack of transparency. […]
Today U.S. bases put the Okinawan people in great danger if the United States and China end up at war—most likely over Taiwan, or one of several maritime and territorial disputes. Noted Yoko Shima, editor of the Ryukyu Shimpo, which has backed closure of the American facilities, “There is a high possibility that Okinawa will become a target, because there are currently U.S. military bases here. So, it shouldn’t become a target.” The Okinawan people agree. While 70 percent of them believe that they bear an “unfair” burden of US bases, an incredible 83 percent believe that “military bases in Okinawa Prefecture would be targets of an attack in an emergency. Läs artikel
S: ”Mycket svagt” att Sverige la ner sin röst i FN, omni.se
Sverige var ett av 43 länder som la ner sin röst när FN:s generalförsamling på onsdagen röstade igenom en resolution med krav på att Israel avslutar sin ockupation av palestinskt territorium inom ett år.
Utrikesminister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M) skriver till Expressen att en så snäv tidsgräns hade satt käppar i hjulet för en tvåstatslösning. ”Den tidsgränsen menar vi skapar problem.”
Tidigare minister och numera riksdagsledamot Morgan Johansson (S) är kritisk till att Sverige la ner sin röst. I ett inlägg på X kallar han agerandet för ”mycket svagt”.
”Än en gång visar den svenska regeringen att man inte orkar stå upp för internationell rätt när det verkligen gäller.”
121 länder röstade för resolutionen och 12 röstade emot. Läs artikel
Stora satsningar på militära försvarets tillväxt, regeringen.se
Regeringen föreslår i budgetpropositionen 2025 ökade medel till det militära försvaret om nästan 13 miljarder kronor, sammantaget med uppräkningar och tidigare beslut. Det motsvarar en ökning med 10 procent jämfört med 2024. Förslaget innebär att anslagen till det militära försvaret uppgår totalt till 138 miljarder kronor för 2025. För kommande försvarsbeslutsperiod 2025–2030 föreslår regeringen tillskott på över 170 miljarder kronor sammantaget för perioden. Det är en betydande resursförstärkning som syftar till att kunna genomföra åtgärderna i den kommande propositionen Totalförsvaret 2025–2030. Med de tillskotten prognostiseras försvarsutgifterna för 2025 motsvara cirka 2,4 procent av BNP enligt Natos definition, för att år 2028 motsvara omkring 2,6 procent. Läs pressmeddelande