Third Committee Approves 11 Drafts Covering Use of Mercenaries, Women in Rural Areas, Unilateral Coercive Measures amid Sparring over Right to Food ,

[…] In one of seven recorded votes taken throughout the day, the Committee approved a draft on unilateral coercive measures, which would have the Assembly strongly object to the extraterritorial nature of these measures, which threaten the sovereignty of States.  Passed by a recorded vote of 124 in favour to 54 against, with 0 abstentions, it would have the Assembly urge the Human Rights Council to fully consider the negative impact of such measures in the implementation of the right to development.

Before the vote, the United States representative stressed that sanctions do not undermine respect for human rights.  She placed blame instead on those who commit rights violations.  Describing sanctions as an effective tool for promoting peace and countering terrorism, she said the draft undermines the international community’s ability to respond to violations and abuses.

Expressing a different view, Venezuela’s representative, on behalf of the Group of Friends, pointed to the negative impact of sanctions on the enjoyment of all human rights, including the right to development.  These illegal measures represent a massive violation of human rights, he asserted. Läs referat