Nedan redovisar vi Finlands Letter of Intent (LOI) som tillställts Nato i samband med förhandlingarna om medlemskap.
Sverige tillställde Nato ett motsvarande LOI den 5 juli. Finland har offentliggjort sitt LOI på utrikesministeriets hemsida. Sveriges LOI har inte offentliggjorts men det är att förmoda att det i allt väsentligt överensstämmer med det finska. Vi har begärt att få ut handlingen från Utrikesdeparementet.
Av särskilt intresse i den finska handlingen är bland annat följande:
Excellency, Following the Accession Talks conducted on 4th July 2022 between delegations representing the Republic of Finland and NATO.
I would like to confirm to you my Government’s interest in receiving an invitation for the Republic of Finland to accede to the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949.
In this regard, I confirm the Republic of Finland’s willingness to accept in full all obligations and commitments of the North Atlantic Treaty.
I would also like to confirm the Republic of Finland’s willingness to meet the requirements of NATO membership as laid out in the 1995 Study on NATO Enlargement, and to meet all other political and legal commitments of the Alliance, including with regard to third countries.
The Republic of Finland will respect the obligations and positions explained during the recent Accession Talks.
The Republic of Finland is committed to accede to the legal agreements and protocols requiring an invitation by the present Member States of the Alliance; as well as to the other legal instruments required for functioning properly within the Alliance.
The Republic of Finland accepts NATO’s approach to security and defence, including the essential role of nuclear weapons, intends to participate fully in NATO’s military structure and collective defence planning processes, and is willing to commit forces and capabilities for the full range of Alliance missions.
The Republic of Finland undertakes to allocate sufficient budget resources for the implementation of its commitments upon accession to the Alliance, to contribute to the Civil Budget, the Military Budget, and the NATO Security Investment Programme, on the basis of the modalities discussed during the Accession Talks and at a cost share of 0.9057 %.
To H.E. Mr. Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General NATO Headquarters Brussels The Republic of Finland recognizes and accepts that the Alliance relies upon commonality of views, based on the principle of consensus in decision-making, and will work for consensus in the Alliance.The Republic of Finland agrees that terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, is the most immediate asymmetric threat and transnational threat to NATO and its populations and is fully committed to fighting terrorism with determination, resolve and in solidarity. The Republic of Finland fully supports the continued openness of the Alliance to new members in accordance with the Washington Treaty and the relevant Summit Declarations. The Republic of Finland undertakes to implement, through action before or after accession as appropriate, any further measures that may be identified before accession as needed to ensure the Republic of Finland’s smooth integration and effective contribution to the Alliance. The Republic of Finland’s position on the responsibilities and obligations of NATO membership was set out in detail in the statements made for the record during the accession talks. Please accept, Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration. July 2022 Pekka Haavisto
Finlands LOI går att läsa här : FINLAND LETTER OF INTENT.