NATO Assistant Secretary General gives evidence to Lords Committee as Arctic inquiry continues,

Tomorrow, Tuesday 18 July the House of Lords International Relations and Defence Committee will hold an evidence session with Angus Lapsley, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning as its inquiry into the Arctic continues. The session will examine NATO’s emerging strategy for the region, as well as strategic challenges that could lead to escalating tensions or conflict in the Arctic and High North.[…]

Questions for discussion will include:

  • Has NATO’s assessment of the challenge in the High North and Arctic changed since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine?
  • What are the issues, triggers and flashpoints in the Arctic and High North that could lead to tensions and potentially to conflict?
  • What are the implications of Finland and Sweden joining NATO for the way the Alliance plans and operates?
  • Have you detected any change in Russia’s strategic thinking or military posture in its Northern Fleet Strategic Command (OSK Sever) in response to Finland (and soon Sweden’s) accession to NATO?
  • Does NATO have the capabilities it needs to deter Russia in the Arctic and High North? Where should NATO members, and in particular the UK, focus their efforts on improving their capabilities?
  • How do you assess China’s ambitions in the Arctic? Does an expanding Chinese presence in the Arctic represent a threat to NATO, and how should NATO respond? Läs artikel