EU to train additional 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers by 2025,

The EU is expected to raise its training targets for Ukraine’s army from currently 60,000 to 75,000 by the end of the year, as ministers look into reviewing the mission’s mandate.

“We have trained 60,000 soldiers, and agreed on raising the target to 75,000 by end of year,” EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell told reporters after a meeting of EU defence ministers in Brussels on Friday (30 August).

“The war requires a constant adaptation to the modalities of the war. The training has to be shortened and adapted to the Ukrainian needs”, Borrell added.

Borrell spoke of the need to be “pragmatic” in delivering the training, as well as “making use of Ukrainian trainers and ensuring a stronger coordination with Ukraine and NATO.”

The EU’s military assistance mission for Ukraine (EUMAM) was launched in autumn 2022. Läs artikel