Fire and Iceland: Polish missiles broaden NATO’s northern reach at US-led exercise,

A demonstration of Poland’s military prowess far from its shores offers an important advantage in the northern Atlantic as the U.S. and NATO build up defenses in a region of major interest to Russia, defense officials said. The U.S.-led Northern Viking exercise included Polish navy missiles and a launching system, which were transported some 1,600 miles to Iceland. That arduous undertaking is notable as Poland broadens its capabilities beyond its “backyard” to enhance allied defense of the Arctic and the northern Atlantic Ocean, said Cmdr. Richard Betancourt, director of training and exercises for U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa. The Polish team’s integration with U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon patrol and reconnaissance aircraft and Allied Maritime Command happened as the former Warsaw Pact country “becomes a major player in NATO,” said Betancourt, who directed the nine-day exercise, which ended Tuesday. Läs artikel