British Brigadier Recalls ‘World War Three’ Moment in Kosovo,

“NATO troops decided that if the Yugoslav Army wished to be awkward, the Kacanik defile could block it,” Freer recalled, 25 years later, in an interview from his home in Scotland.

But they hadn’t counted on the Russians.

“It all happened very quickly. There was very little hold-up getting through the Kacanik defile, and then I was asked to get to Pristina airfield very swiftly,” Freer recalled. “The situation was extremely tense.”

The story of Russia’s lightning dash to Pristina and what subsequently ensued has become the stuff of legend ever since it emerged months later that the British general in charge of NATO forces deploying to Kosovo, Michael Jackson, refused an order from NATO’s American supreme commander, Wesley Clark, to evict the Russians.

“I’m not going to start World War Three for you,” Newsweek reported Jackson as telling Clark, raising serious concerns at the time over the chain of command in the Western military alliance.

Looking back, Freer said the British position of avoiding direct confrontation with Russian forces “was absolutely right”.

“At the end of the day, common sense prevailed. It would have just been a disaster,” he said. Läs  artikel