How can Sweden join NATO? Orbán seals a massive arms and military industry deal,

[…] The prospective aircraft which may end up in Hungary are manufactured by SAAB, renowned for their production of Gripen fighter-bombers. SAAB is currently manufacturing the latest E and F versions, already commissioned by Sweden. These new aircraft boast increased payload capacity and range compared to their predecessors, enabling the carriage of heavier and longer-range weaponry. Additionally, upgrades have been made to the radar and electronic combat systems. As part of the agreement, the Hungarian Defence Forces may gain access to a variety of other weapon systems, including a portable, shoulder-launched weapon, often referred to as a hand-held artillery which is capable of engaging armoured and other land targets. With an investment of approximately 55 million dollars, Hungarian Defence Forces have secured procurement of this equipment scheduled for delivery between 2019 and 2024. Moreover, the Defence Forces are actively enhancing their electronic reconnaissance and combat capabilities. Collaboration with the Swedish defence industry holds the promise of producing a range of cutting-edge equipment, representing a significant advancement for the Hungarian Defence Forces. Läs artikel