Investigation into the conditions and circumstances resulting in the tragic death of Dag Hammarskjöld and of the members of the party accompanying him,

The General Assembly,

[…] 1. Requests the Secretary-General to reappoint the Eminent Person appointed
pursuant to General Assembly resolution 77/252 to continue to review the information received and possible new information made available by Member States, including by individuals and private entities, to assess its probative value and to draw conclusions from the investigations already conducted;
2. Urges all Member States, in particular those referred to in the report, to
release any relevant records in their possession and to provide to the Eminent Person and the Secretary-General relevant information related to the death of Dag
Hammarskjöld and of the members of the party accompanying him, and to ensure that they have conducted a full review of their archives and records;
3. Calls upon those Member States referred to in the report to cooperate with and assist the Eminent Person fully, including by appointing without delay independent and high-ranking officials to determine whether relevant information exists within their security, intelligence and defence archives, and encourages the Eminent Person to remain engaged with all high-ranking officials, including those who have concluded their work; Läs resolutionen

Läs också tidigare resolution från Generalförsamlingen.