NATO chief rejects Polish proposal to shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine,

NATO’s secretary general has rejected Poland’s proposal that it could shoot down Russian missiles that are over Ukraine but heading towards Polish territory. This would risk NATO “becoming part of the conflict”, says Jens Stoltenberg.

The idea was included last week in a security agreement between Poland and Ukraine signed by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Warsaw.

The two countries pledged to bilaterally and with other allies “examine the rationale and feasibility of possible intercepting in Ukraine’s airspace missiles and UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] fired in the direction of the territory of Poland”. […]

Tusk emphasised that such a policy would only be introduced with “the stamp of approval of the international community, preferably NATO”. However, when asked about the idea by Ukrainian media outlets on Sunday, Stoltenberg responded negatively.

“NATO’s policy is unchanged: we will not be involved in this conflict. We will not become part of the conflict,” he said. “We support Ukraine in the destruction of Russian aircraft, but NATO will not be directly involved.” Läs artikel