NATO mulls partnership status for India,

[…] Recent speculations about India joining the NATO have unsettled the anti-India nations like Pakistan. Wess Mitchell, US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia from 2007-2019 and Co-Chair of the NATO 2020 Reflection Process, wrote that when NATO leaders meet this spring, they will debate NATO experts’ recommendations extending a formal offer of partnership to India.

NATO alliance has long discussed India’s membership, latest being September 2011 invitation to be a partner in its ballistic missile defence (BMD) but India refrained from getting entangled in rival geopolitical blocs. […]

India is a great power itself and requires no support from any block. Non-alignment can help India, provided it can tackle Pakistan’s repetitive incursion and support to terrorism. Alliances are necessary in current competitive world but no offers yet from NATO nor any acceptance by India. NATO has been a storefront for US weapons.

In a fast-changing world, NATO is bracing up to counter imperialist power. Real politics ordains that India should join NATO. But never forget, NATO needs India, not the other way round! Läs artikel