NATO Office in Jordan: Regional and strategic balances,

The main objectives of opening a NATO office in Jordan are many and varied. Primarily, NATO aims to enhance military and security cooperation with Jordan, as Jordan is considered a strategic ally in the Middle East region. This cooperation includes providing training and technical support to the Jordanian Armed Forces, which contributes to strengthening its defence and logistical capabilities. Through this office, NATO also aims to facilitate coordination and cooperation with Jordan in the areas of counter-terrorism, cybersecurity and crisis management, which enhances regional security and stability.[…]

To ensure that the opening of the NATO office is in Jordan’s interest and sovereignty, specific mechanisms and guarantees must be put in place. First, a clear agreement should be negotiated that defines the scope and objectives of cooperation, with guarantees of non-interference in Jordanian internal affairs.

Second, there must be national oversight mechanisms over the office’s activities, to ensure their compatibility with Jordanian national interests. A joint committee of Jordanian government agencies and NATO could be established to follow up on the implementation of the agreements and ensure the achievement of common goals without compromising Jordan’s sovereignty.

Third, transparency and communication with the Jordanian people about the goals and benefits of this cooperation can be enhanced, to avoid any misunderstanding or popular concern about the impact of this cooperation on national sovereignty.

Finally: Opening the NATO office in Jordan represents a strategic step aimed at strengthening security and military cooperation, which could bring great benefits to Jordan in terms of strengthening its defence and security capabilities and enhancing its international standing. It enhances regional and strategic balances. However, there must be clear mechanisms to ensure that this cooperation is in Jordan’s interest and respects its sovereignty, with careful management of regional relations to avoid any negative repercussions.  Läs artikel