Under läsning av Philip H. Gordon, Losing the Long Game: The False Promise of Regime Change in the Middle East (St. Martin’s Press 2020) noteras att “US bomb Syria: one dead, several injured in airstrikes, Joe Biden’s first military action” , samtidigt som “Professor Mary Ellen O’Connell of Notre Dame Law School criticized the US attack as a violation of international law.”
Gordon var en medlem av Obama-administrationen 2009 – 2015. Och vet vad han skriver om.
I The New York Times Book Review skriver Andrew Bacevich: “Losing the Long Game recounts American efforts over the past seven decades to get rid of annoying regimes in the greater Middle East and to install in their place something more to Washington’s liking…his criticisms are devastating.”
Boken innehåller åtta kapitel vilka ger en fingervisning om USA:s fullständiga misslyckanden i Mellanöstern efter andra världskriget:
Kapitel 1. ”Original Sin: Iran, 1953”,
Kapitel 2. “’We Won’: Afghanistan, 1979–92”,
Kapitel 3. “’We Have Turned a Corner’: Afghanistan, 2001”,
Kapitel 4. “’Mission Accomplished’: Iraq, 2003”,
Kapitel 5. “’The Transition Must Begin Now’: Egypt, 2011”,
Kapitel 6. “’We Came, We Saw, He Died’: Libya, 2011”
Lapitel 7. “’Assad Must Go’: Syria, 2011 …”
Sammanfattning: “Why Regime Change in the Middle East Always Goes Wrong”.