…And let us recognise the role of peacekeeping also in this regard. More than 118 000 military, police and civilian personnel are currently serving in 16 peacekeeping operations – blue berets and helmets from Haiti in the west,
to Jammu and Kashmir in the east. We thank the women and men in peacekeeping missions,
for the work they do every day on our behalf. Peacekeeping and prevention can, should and must go hand in hand…
Thirdly, UN Peacekeeping should evolve based on evidence and lessons learned. The experience we gain from our contributions
can help to improve and develop UN missions, to make them fit for purpose. Seventy years of peacekeeping has taught us about the need
for the full, equal and active participation of women. Sweden constantly seeks to increase the number of women taking part…
Since 1948, more than 80 000 Swedish women and men– troops, police and civilians – have participated in UN peace operations, primarily in Africa.
They have worn their UN helmets in deserts, dirt, dust – and danger. We see their blue berets in Cyprus as well as in the Congo. It has come at a price.
Yet our commitment to peacekeeping will not falter. It is not weakened by the tragic loss of Zaida Catalán and too many others. Läs hela talet