The Swedish Air Force’s growing role in NATO,

Swedish Air Force’s Commander in Chief, Major General Jonas Wikman, outlined its current state within NATO. […]

The air force is now carrying out Quick Reaction Alerts (QRA) once a day to identify possible hostile aircraft and make its presence felt and it flew its first NATO mission a week ago from Iceland as part of the Nordic Air C2. Airborne Surveillance Control (ASC890) will be the largest Swedish military aid package at € 1.16 Billion and will provide Ukraine with a new capability against both airborne and maritime targets. Major General Wikman said as its S-100B Argus AEW&C aircraft are being donated to Ukraine, the air force is awaiting the delivery of its three Saab GlobalEyes that will be an integral part of ASC890. […]

As far as pilot training is concerned, basic training will be carried out in Sweden on the Grob G120TP while advanced training will be carried out in Italy under a 10-year contract with the International Flight Training School. Helicopter training takes place in Germany while transport crew training is in the United States. Läs artikel