The US seeks to recover regional control with NATO office in Jordan, says Dr. Issam Khawaja,

During the 2024 Summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Washington DC, the alliance announced the establishment of a liaison office in Jordan’s capital Amman.

NATO, considered by many to be a tool to assert and consolidate US military dominance across the world, stated that the Amman office will be its first-ever liaison office in the so-called “Middle East and North Africa” region. The announcement comes as Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza, backed and enabled by the US and NATO allies, completes nine months. […]

Dr. Issam Khawaja: The establishment of a NATO liaison office is not the first step for Jordan to build or consolidate the relations with the Western alliance in general and the United States, in particular. Jordan had already made its decision to be part of this alliance that seeks to maintain its strategic interests in the region, above all the security of the Israeli occupation entity. This step was preceded by signing the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty (also known as Wadi Araba Treaty) and the Defense Cooperation Agreement which the United States and Jordan signed on January 31, 2021, and entered into force on March 17, 2021, without the approval of the Jordanian parliament.

The agreement authorizes US troops, aircrafts and vehicles to have unimpeded access and use of agreed areas and facilities in Jordan. It also authorizes the US to control the entry to agreed upon facilities and areas that have been provided for exclusive use by US forces, in a way that may undermine Jordan’s sovereignty. Moreover, the United States moved many military bases and weaponry warehouses from Qatar to Jordan in the last couple of years. This means that Jordan is becoming a hub for the United States military presence in the region. Läs artikel