Touchdown in Sputnik. Defence Minister Belousov pays visit to naval infantry brigade near Nordic NATO border,

A heavily guarded helicopter on Saturday the 12th of October flew low across the Kola Peninsula to the Northern Fleet base of Sputnik, only few kilometres from the border to neighbouring NATO countries Norway and Finland.

The delegation that included also Head Commander of the Russian Navy Aleksandr Moiseev and Commander of the Northern Fleet Konstantin Kabantsov first made a stop in Gadzhievo, where they visited the Knyaz Vladimir, Russia’s new strategic nuclear sub of the Borey class. [… ]

The visit to Sputnik came only two days ahead of Belousov’s travel to Beijing, where he highlighted Moscow’s close military cooperation with China.

”We see that we have common views, common assessments and a common understanding about what we need to do together,” the Russian war leader told Zhang Youxia, vice-chairman of China’s top command body the Central Military Commission. Läs artikel