Was Starmer’s summit enough to sway Trump? bbc.com

[…] He said Europe would keep military aid flowing now and, in the event of a peace deal, it would boost Ukraine’s own defensive capabilities, building up the country’s ”armed forces and border defences” to ensure that ”Ukraine can draw on munitions, finance and equipment to defend itself,” according to the official conclusions of the summit. And Sir Keir said there would be a ”coalition of the willing” to defend Ukraine and guarantee peace.

Who or what that would involve is not yet clear. The prime minister merely said that there would be ”a force consisting of European and other partners”.

The UK and France have already said they would be willing to put boots on the ground in Ukraine to help deter Russian aggression. […]

The summit in London was an attempt by the prime minister both to calm diplomatic brows and stiffen diplomatic sinews. Diplomats said there was clear resolve around the table to support Ukraine but also to build on Trump’s desire to find a ceasefire.

But Europe stepping up is only half of the story and much depends on whether the US is willing to play its part. Läs artikel